A legjobb beszállító a következőhöz gondos ágynemű

Lengyelország, Łódź
... takaróként is használható, akár a babakocsiban is. A gondos kivitelezés és a felhasznált anyagok magas minősége biztosítja, hogy a termék hosszú ideig megőrzi tulajdonságait. A tépőzáras zárás megkönnyíti a használatot. A takaró külső része puha Minky anyaggal van borítva. Az anyag 5 színváltozatban elérhető: fehér, szürke, bézs, zöld és rózsaszín. A második, belső oldal pamuttal van bélelve, amely...
Portfólió (21)

Termékek gondos ágynemű (35)



Allulose, a low-calorie sweetener, belongs to the monosaccharide group of sugars and occurs naturally in fruits like figs, raisins, and jackfruit. Commercially produced from sources like corn, it's known for its 70% sweetness compared to sucrose but with fewer calories. With a taste similar to sugar, it's popular for calorie reduction and blood sugar management. Its low glycemic index makes it suitable for diabetics and low-carb diets. Allulose also promotes oral health, lacking in tooth decay promotion, and shows stability in baking and cooking, making it versatile for a variety of products. Molecular Formula:C6H12O6 CAS No:551-68-8


Las plantas Cordyline, también conocidas como Dracaena Indivisa, son un género de plantas perennes de la familia Asparagaceae. Las hojas de las plantas Cordyline son largas, estrechas y pueden variar en color dependiendo de la especie y la variedad. Pueden ser verdes, rojas, púrpuras o multicolores. En condiciones adecuadas, las plantas Cordyline pueden producir flores pequeñas y fragantes en forma de racimos. Después de la floración, algunas especies de Cordyline pueden producir pequeñas frutas carnosas de color rojo, negro o azul oscuro. Estas plantas son apreciadas por su follaje colorido y su aspecto exótico, y se pueden cultivar tanto en interiores como en exteriores, dependiendo de las condiciones climáticas y las variedades específicas.
Bio Arónia Kapszulák

Bio Arónia Kapszulák

Lohnherstellung von Bio Aronia Kapseln (vegane HPMC Kapseln)


Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation. Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops. SKU:n/a Size:1 LITER, 5 LITERS
Aromás Gumi

Aromás Gumi

A fragrant gum used in incense, perfumes, and aromatherapy products for its pleasing scent.


Hydroponic cultivation, 100% biomass Certified and organic cannabis obtained through authorized cultivation Carefully selected to ensure high standards of quality and uniformity.Do not ingest THC value less than 0.2%


AVEMOR aloe wera gel eye mask,gold hydro gel eye mask,99%hyaluronic gel eye mask.
Savanyú Kazein

Savanyú Kazein

Kazeina kwaśna jest wytwarzana z pasteryzowanego i odtłuszczonego mleka koagulowanego kwasem solnym. Po koagulacji i utworzeniu skrzepu jest on oddzielany i wypłukiwany z białek serwatki w celu oczyszczenia produktu końcowego. Później jest zagęszczany, mielony i suszony. Produkt końcowy ma postać drobnoziarnistego, sypkiego proszku o jasnej barwie, o neutralnym zapachu i smaku. Foodcom SA dostarcza naturalną i świeżą kwaśną kazeinę o oczkach od 30 do 90.




With LCPs (long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids) Patented fiber blend Tailored to your baby's needs The Aptamil products from birth initial milk is specially tailored to the needs of your baby in the respective development phase. It contains a patented fiber blend and LCPs - long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids that babies cannot produce sufficiently in the first few months.
Elecampane kivonat

Elecampane kivonat

Extract from Inula helenium L. root. Ratio 4:1


Mushrooms powders / Pilzpulver pur, mit Vitamin D bzw. Vitamin B12-Gehalt.


AmoneyPay soddisfa un’esigenza base di ogni negoziante: poter scegliere la banca d’appoggio più vantaggiosa per i propri incassi. E poterla anche cambiare, in qualsiasi momento, con semplicità. Ecco AMoneyPay per i negozi, i ristoranti o i supermercati: Libera la scelta dell’istituto bancario da qualsiasi vincolo di infrastruttura hardware Monitora i flussi di pagamento tramite il nostro portale web dedicato (AMoneyPortal) Archivia digitalmente lo scontrino e la firma del tuo cliente (niente più scontrini da conservare) Visualizza in tempo reale tutti gli scontrini emessi, anche quelli legati ai buoni pasto Permette di attivare più profili bancari a cui instradare i pagamenti in base all’importo, la fascia oraria o il giorno della settimana Garantisce continuità operativa, grazie a una replica remota di tutto il sistema, sempre pronta per essere attivata
Nabeysis García

Nabeysis García

Doctora especializada en medicina estética. Tratamientos con ácido hialurónico, botox, depilación laser...


Cofres Monoblocos, parede, chão e Pousar, portas fortes e segurança, blindadas etc.
Amincat dbu - Amin Katalizátorok

Amincat dbu - Amin Katalizátorok

AminCat DBU ( 1,8Diazabicyclo(5.4.0)undec7ene ) is a clear, light yellow liquid of relatively low volatility which has C9H16N2 as chemical formula. It has only a slight ammonialike odour, is miscible with water and is soluble in most organic solvents. (1,8Diazabicyclo(5.4.0)undec7ene) is also known as 2H,3H,4H,6H,7H,8H,9H,10Hpyrimido[1,2a]azepine. Availability Europe and United States AminCat DBU is on stock in our local warehouses. Our lead time is about one week if delivered in 200 KG steel drums. Canada, South America, South Africa and other markets can also be served, please contact our sales department for more details. CAS number:6674-22-2 EC number:229-713-7 HS code:2933 59 95 Assay:≥99.00 % Water:≤0.25 % Boiling point:261.86 ºC @ 1.013.25 hPa Bulk density:1.019 kg/m3 @ 20 ºC Flash point:113 ºC Melting point:No mp between -100 ºC and 30 ºC Log Pow:-6.25 @ 25 ºC (pH 4) Solubility in water:1.000 g/l (20 ºC)
Ókori Egyiptom

Ókori Egyiptom

Découvre les secrets de l'Egypte et fabrique une boite à secrets scarabée! Difficulté : Facile Âge : Dès 6 ans Expédition sous 24 heures (hors week end)


Height:15 cm
Arduus - Erekciós Zavar

Arduus - Erekciós Zavar

Arduus is a dietary supplement that combats sexual fatigue, loss of libido and the increases testosterone levels and sexual appetite. Ideal to help most men to achieve sexual pleasure and well-being, naturally and safely without side effects. Ingredients: Pausinystalia yohimbe (yohimbine), Siberian Ginseng, Panax ginseng, saw palmetto, Zinc, Vitamin C and Arginine. Diary intake: 2 capsules Pack of 20 capsules. __________________________________ Um suplemento alimentar que combate a fadiga sexual, a perda da libido e, aumenta os níveis de testosterona e do apetite sexual. Ideal para ajudar a maioria dos homens a alcançar o prazer e o bem-estar sexual, de forma natural e segura, sem efeitos secundários. Ingredientes: Pau de Cabinda (ioimbina), Ginseng siberiano, Panax ginseng, Saw palmetto, Zinco, Vitamina C e Arginina. Modo de tomar: Uma cápsula ao almoço e outra ao jantar. Apresentação: 20 Cápsulas azuis


Telefonanlagen für den All-IP Anschluß und ISDN-Ämter
Kémiai Lekerekítés

Kémiai Lekerekítés

Chemisches Entgraten und Polieren von C-Stahl, Titan, Messing, etc...
Arnika kenőcs

Arnika kenőcs

The nourishing cosiMed Arnica Ointment contains valuable Arnica extract, skin-regenerating Panthenol and skin-protecting Vitamin E. It is suitable for the care of dry and stressed skin.


Roestique produces even more nuances in texture and colours for a layered interior design, and contributes to a warm and sophisticated living environment.




A combination of natural essential oils - lemon, rosemary, mint, geranium. Enhances concentration, attention and improves agility of mind. Increases efficiency and contributes to a more successful learning process. Helps with mental and emotional stress.
INLYTA - Aksitinib

INLYTA - Aksitinib

All forms


ERGYNUTRIL est une gamme originale de préparations à base de protéines sans aspartame. • L'exclusivité de la formule : 2 sources de protéines pour un apport équilibré en acides aminés : protéines de lait d’origine biologique, bien tolérées protéines de soja peu acidifiantes Les protéines participent au maintien et à l’augmentation de la masse musculaire, au maintien aussi d’une ossature normale. • Apport de tous les acides aminés essentiels chez l’homme : tryptophane, lysine, méthionine, phénylalanine, thréonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine sont présentes dans nos préparations riches en protéines et de deux autres acides aminés : la cystéine et tyrosine. • Apport de vitamines du groupe B : la vitamine B6 participe au métabolisme des protéines, les vitamines B1, B6 et B12 quant à elles contribuent au métabolisme énergétique. • Source de magnésium et de potassium qui sont des soutiens du fonctionnement des systèmes musculaire et nerveux. Calcium:479 mg (60 % VNR*) Potassium:329 mg (16 % VNR*) Phosphore:302 mg (43 % VNR*) Magnésium:67 mg (18 % VNR*) Zinc:1,5 mg (15 % VNR*) Iode:23 μg (15 % VNR*) Chrome:8 μg (20 % VNR*) Vitamine B1:0,17 mg (15 % VNR*) Vitamine B6:0,21 mg (15 % VNR*) Acide folique (Vit. B9):31 μg (15 % VNR*) Vitamine B12:0,4 μg (15 % VNR*)
Glicerin - Olaj

Glicerin - Olaj

Glycerol has emollient, lubricating, moisturizing and hygroscopic properties that contribute to the absorption of water in the skin and hair, promoting hydration and softness. It creates a protective film and protects the capillary mass, preventing water from being lost easily when the hair is exposed to very dry environments as well as other adverse factors for hair health.


2.55€ TTC
Acetil CoA-trinátrium - Finom Vegyszerek

Acetil CoA-trinátrium - Finom Vegyszerek

Acetyl-CoA is an essential cofactor and carrier of acyl groups in enzymatic reactions. It is formed either through the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, through ß-oxidation of fatty acids or through the oxidative degradation of certain amino acids. It is an intermediate in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is the starter for the citric acid cycle. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. CAS Nr:[102029-73-2] Code:1670